Arthur Mariano is in Villefranche
by Jean-Olivier Irisson, on
After Andy Bakun in September, Arthur Mariano travelled from RSMAS to Villefranche-sur-Mer. Pr Mariano came for a week to teach and discuss research. He gave three lectures: one to students in the Oceanographic Instrumentation class (Lagrangian exploration of the ocean), and two to students in the Marine Ecosystems Modelling class (Lagrangian data analysis and Lagrangian modelling and data assimilation). Through a research seminar, he introduced his point of view on "Forward and Inverse Lagrangian Prediction" to the research and teaching staff of the LOV. In between all this, Pr Mariano took the time to discuss his research and his experience in teaching physics with the staff of Villefranche sur Mer and the students. Here are a few pictures during a lunch break discussion with (from left to right) Robin Faillettaz, Jean-Olivier Irisson, Lars Stemmann and Louis Legendre, as well as with the students he taught, in the modelling and instrumentation classes.