Email announcement

The following email was sent today to all staff members and students of OOV and RSMAS as well as to the international studies office of UPMC and to the directors of the Oceanography Master of UPMC.

Hello everyone, Bonjour à tous,

Nous nous en excusons mais les communications autour de ce projet, commençant avec cet email, seront faites en Anglais uniquement, pour plus de simplicité.

We are very pleased to let you know that a joint Partner University Fund ( project between the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (RSMAS - and the Ocean Observatory of Villefranche (OOV - has just been funded! This project will support and promote education exchange, research collaboration and technological innovation between RSMAS and OOV. This initial funding is focused on the study of "Physical-biological interactions at mesoscale in the ocean", though the development of future topics is encouraged. Indeed, this grant is for a three year period but should serve as the basis for a longer term relationship between our two institutions, which have much in common.

Information is available on the project’s website: and here is a quick summary.

This grant will:

  • allow students to take classes and spend internships at both institutions; the intent is that 3 or more students will travel to the partner institution each year;
  • support travel expenses of professors and students between Villefranche and Miami (air fare and living expenses) for teaching and taking classes;
  • enhance opportunities for applications to further grants dedicated to the travel of PhD students from the US to France (Chateaubriand scholarships) or from France to the US (Fulbright scholarships);
  • greatly facilitate co-supervision of PhDs (co-tutelle arrangements), even for already on-going PhDs;
  • provide support for two joint research projects, regarding the description of bio-physical interactions at very high resolution along a front (year 1) and the in situ study of the behavior of planktonic organisms (year 2).

This email announcement serves to both introduce this opportunity and to point to required action for participation. In the short term, we need to:

  • organize the trips of professors and students wanting to be involved in classes at OOV for the 2012/2013 Academic Year. Classes last from 3 to 6 weeks and topics span pelagic ecosystems, operational oceanography, chemical pollution, modelling, GIS, satellite imagery and multivariate statistics. See for more information.
  • collect internship opportunities at RSMAS for OOV Master students (5 months, from Feb to June 2013). Students will have advanced academic training in oceanography and will be funded for their trip. See for more information.

If a selection among student applicants is necessary, it will be based on academic merit and standing (grades at previous exams, specified milestones met, etc.), pertinence of the course/internship in the thesis project, and relevance of the subject to the theme of the partnership. The selection committee will comprise the project coordinators and the leaders of research projects or of teaching units when appropriate.

Please spread the word and get in touch if you are interested. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration!

The project coordinators,

Jean-Olivier Irisson, OOV
Martin Grosell, RSMAS
Robert K Cowen, RSMAS

It's started!