Multivariate stats class now international

The multivariate stats class of Villefranche (AME2) was the last one to be taught in French. Not any more. This year, Stéphane Gasparini, Sakina-Dorothée Ayata and myself switched to English because three students from RSMAS were coming to take the class. We took advantage of this change to modify the content slightly too. Over the course of three weeks, we covered ordination methods (PCA, CA and MCA), clustering (hierarchical and K-means), data series analysis, as well as an introduction to various statistical software including the R language. But we also added MDS, RDA and variance partitioning, hence fulfilling common requests from previous students.

Erica, Jessica and Dan seem to have enjoyed the class and you should be able to read their impressions soon. Jessica is staying in Villefranche for two more weeks and she will be putting this new knowledge to use immediately, with the analysis of her PhD thesis data.

Here are pictures of this year's AME2 class, on the sea-side of the Galeriens building.

Ame2jan1 Ame2jan2