Integrating UVP and ISIIS
by Jean-Olivier Irisson and Cédric Guigand, on
The main goal of our last week of work in Miami was the physical an electronic integration of the Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) into the In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS). Marc Picheral developed the UVP in Villefranche and it is now sod by the company Hydroptics. It is becoming a standard for the measurement of the vertical flux of particulate organic mater in the ocean. The UVP focuses on imaging small and abundant particles and planktonic organisms. ISIIS has been developed by Cédric Guigand, in Bob Cowen's lab, and the company Bellamare. Its focus is rather on larger, and rarer, organisms such as fish larvae and larger jellyfishes. The integration of these two instruments will therefore allow us to study the distribution of two main compartments of the plankton synchronously. Exiting data to look forward to (and a lot of it). Here are Cédric's impression after this week of work with Marc as well as a few pictures of the two beasts being joined together.
We had a very productive time with Marc Picheral and Jean Olivier Irisson. The UVP training went very well as well as the integration of the UVP into the ISIIS vehicle. After 3 busy days under the supervision of Marc we had the all integrated system working on the bench, now I can't wait to put our UVP/ISIIS in the waters offshore Villefranche this summer!